How our work aligns with the UN SDGs
To ensure our business is fit-for-the-future, we align our sustainability work with international frameworks and directives including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) external-link
Eat sustainably

Though the production of nutritious low-impact protein does not directly support any specifc target outlined under SDG 2 to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, we believe our business model and sustainability priorities are aligned with the achievement of this goal.
Our commitments to work with international standards and global certification programmes built on effective partnerships support SDG 17 Partnerships.
Tread lightly

Our goals to achieve the lowest use of freshwater per kilo of salmon on the market aligns with SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation.
Setting up our operations using primarily renewable energy sources support SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy.
Our environmental approach to achieve optimum efficiency - through a market leading feed conversion ratio - and decouple growth from the use of natural resources, aligns with the target to increase global resource efficiency in consumption and production and ensure sustainable production and consumptions patters under SDGs 8 and 12. Specifically we are commited to demonstrate responsible leadership when it comes to waste management and our choice of packaging when selling our product - we will ensure it follow circular principles as soon as we are able to find effective solutions.
Our business model underpins our commitment to support SDG 13 Climate action, not only in the choices we make for our operations but also how we work with our suppliers.
By farming salmon onland we are avoiding many of the traditional impacts on the ocean from farming activity. However, as our operations are located near to the ocean, we are working with experts to minimise potential environmental impacts from effluents. This, combined with our commitment to source feed that is certified as sustainable, is how we plan to reduce marine pollution and ensure we do not play part in the exploitation of fish stocks – both priorities under SDG 14 Life below water.
Our approach to feeding our salmon will also ensure we are not contributing to the degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, in SDG 15 Life on land. This includes short-term goals to ensure we are not contributing towards deforestation or unsustainable sourcing of plant proteins. With a target to have zero fish escapes we also avoid the introduction of invasive species.
Live well

Our commitment to support workforce diversity, particularly through our gender goals, support SDG 5 Gender equality.
By offering meaningful work, and by ensuring we reach our goals to ensure good working conditions and protect human rights across the value chain, we align our work with SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth.